Spin generation in 2D hybrid perovskites for spintronics:
Excitation of semiconductors with circularly polarized light creates a population of spin polarized states. Read more
Graphene Multi-Electrode Arrays for Neural Interfacing:
Electronic devices that enable us to communicate with the human nervous system are becoming increasingly prevalent, offering novel treatment techniques. Read more
Thermoelectric converters based on conjugated polymer-graphene composites:
Thermoelectric devices convert waste heat into useful electrical energy for a range of applications, including energy harvesting. Read more
Hierarchical 2D nanomaterial electrodes for redox flow batteries:
One of the great challenges researchers in the field of nanotechnology are trying to address is the organisation of nanoparticles into well-controlled structures at scale. Read more
Silicon-graphene anodes for long cycle life batteries:
High energy and power density batteries are a major goal for the battery industry. Current batteries do not have high enough energy densities to produce cars that can compete with liquid fuel cars for mileage. Read more