- Scalable Methods for the Encapsulation of Graphene in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. D. G. Purdie, D. De Fazio, A. K. Ott, P. Braeuninger, D. Johnstone3, P. Midgley, S. Hofmann, A. C. Ferrari, I. Goykhman and A. Lombardo. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Graphene Micro-Electrodes to Study the Effect of Amyloid Proteins on Neuronal Function. Philippa Hooper, Pranoti Kshirsagar, Claus Burkhardt, Antonio Lombardo and Gabriele Kaminski Schierle. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Vertically oriented electrode structures with LiCoO2. Simon Engelke, Michael de Volder and Clare Grey. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Inkjet Printing of Black Phosphorus for Photonics and Optoelectronics. Tom Albrow-Owen, Guohua Hu, Richard C. T. Howe, Zongyin Yang, Tien-Chun Wu and Tawfique Hasan. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Spray coating transparent conductors on 3-dimensional surfaces for a graphene based capacitive touch device. Tian Carey, Chris Jones, Felice Torrisi. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- High Moblity Graphene Devices on Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films. Y. Li1, M. Amado, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari and J. W.A. Robinson. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Protecting CVD Graphene By ALD Encapsulation; The Effect Of Graphene Grain Boundaries, Atmospheric Doping And Polymer Residues. Zenas Van Veldhoven, Jack Alexander-Webber, Abhay A. Sagade, Philipp Braeuninger and Stephan Hofmann. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Coupling to Layered Heterostructures with Extreme Nano-plasmonic Cavities. Alex Casalis de Pury, Marie-Elena Kleemann, Ruizhi Wang, Dean Koos, Christoph Grosse, Jeremy J. Baumberg. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Synergy of cellulose nanocrystals and graphene. Cyan Williams, Giulia Guidetti, Guohua Hu, Tawfique Hasan and Silvia Vignolini. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Multiplexing 2D Devices. Jack Oliver Batey and Charles Smith. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Interactions between supramolecular metal-organic capsules and 2d graphene and the effect of guest encapsulation for sensory applications. Jason Deacon, Shouhu Liu, Tawfique Hasan, Antonio Lombardo and Jonathan Nitschke. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Graphene/MoS2 junctions for applications in high frequency electronics. Muraleetharan Boopathi, David G. Purdie, Andrea C. Ferrari and Antonio Lombardo. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Ionic Transport Across Graphene Membranes. Mustafa Caglar, Michael Walker, Robert S. Weatherup, Stephan Hofmann, and Ulrich F. Keyser. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Graphene-metal oxide nanocomposite electron transport layers for BiOI based solar cells. Tahmida N. Huq, Robert Hoye and Judith Driscoll. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- In-Operando NMR Study of Charging Behaviour of Activated rGO and Activated Carbon Supercapacitor Electrodes. Yuning Zhou, Josh Stratford, Clare Grey. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Atomically thin 2D and quasi-2D organic-inorganic perovskite emitters. Ziyue Yi and Robert Hoye. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Polysiloxane based graphene composites for stretchable electronics. Adrees Arbab, Tian Carey, Sia Shivareddy, Siva Bohm and Felice Torrisi. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Gold Nanoparticle Coated Carbon Fibres for a Non-enzymatic Anode in a Glucose Biofuel Cell. D. Maxwell T. Zhao H. K. Kim R. V. Kumar. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Waveguide Integrated Double Layer Graphene-Si Modulators for On-chip Optical Interconnect. Hannah Watson, Jakob E. Muench, Junjia Wang, Dengke Zhang, Andrea C. Ferrari, and Ilya Goykhman. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Plasmonic enhanced waveguide integrated graphene p-n junction photodetectors for telecom wavelengths. J. E. Muench, H. Watson, D. Zhang, J. Wang, A.C. Ferrari, I. Goykhman. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Sustainable Carbon Material from Cellulose Nanocrystals. L. Lai, G. Guidetti, C. Grey, S. Vignolini. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Production of red/black phosphorus hybrids using liquid-phase processing. N. Jay, S. Hodge, G. Guidetti, D. Akinwande, A.C. Ferrari. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Towards Circularly Polarised Perovskite LED’s. S. Bourelle, R. Di Pietro, J. Alexander-Webber, S.Hofmann, H. Sirringhaus. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Hybrid graphene-photochromic molecules photodetectors for high gain and responsivity. S. Akhavan, G. Guidetti, M. Montali, F. Mancin, A.C. Ferrari, I. Goykhman. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.
- Black phosphorus/PEDOT:PSS: Towards Flexible and Transparent Chemiresistive Gas Sensors. V. S. Malhotra, D. Beesley, S. A. Hodge1, A. C. Ferrari, M. de Volder. 2D Materials Student Conference, Wyboston Lakes, UK, 12-15 June 2017.