Joe Lacey
<b>E-mail:</b> jsl66<at>
<b>Address:</b> Cambridge Graphene Centre, Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge, 9, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FA
<b> Office no.: </b>185 Desk F3,
<b>Telephone:</b> +44 -1223 - 762386
<b>Fax:</b> +44 - 1223 - 748348
Joe Lacey is a research student working towards a PhD in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology.
His PHD project title is: Enhanced single molecule detection with integrated 2D materials. His first supervisor is Prof Tuomas Knowles and his second supervisor is Prof Stephan Hofmann.
This project will make use of the unique properties offered by 2D materials, as well as, tailoring them in the form of heterostructures to provide platforms for examining the elementary constituents of complex heterogenous biomolecular mixtures. Such func
Joe is part of the Chemistry department and she is a member of Hughes Hall College.