Ernestine Hui
<b>E-mail:</b> eh606<at>
<b>Address:</b> Cambridge Graphene Centre, Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge, 9, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FA
<b> Desk G4,
<b>Telephone:</b> +44 -1223 - 748638
<b>Fax:</b> +44 - 1223 - 748348
Ernestine Hui is a research student working towards a PhD in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology.
Her PHD project title is: Graphene-based brain on a chip platform for the study of neurodegeneration. Her first supervisor is Dr Gabriele S Kaminski Schierle and her second supervisor is Dr Antonio Lombardo.
Ernestine’s PHD project aims to design and fabricate an on-chip platform for studying neuron communication along a single axon. The devices will consist of wells separated by microfluidic channels. Transparent electrodes consisting of graphene or other tw
Ernestine is part of the Chemical Engineering department and she is a member of Lucy Cavendish College.